The ancient Srostki school
The house of Shukshin's mother - Shukshin Museum
The house of Shukshin's birth was situated here
House of Shukshin's childhood and young years
Srostki V.M. Shukshin secondary school
"Katun" cinema
Piket Mount
The grave of V.M. Shukshin's mother
Old cemetery of Srostki village
The Stone of mourn
Katun bank with view to Popov Isle
Katun bank ("Kamushki" - "Stones")
Chuisk road

The documents on opening of a museum V.M.Shukshin were signed on July 25, 1977. In one year, the day of V.M.Shukshin's birth, the museum has accepted the first visitors. They have seen a court yard, garden, vegetable garden, conditions of a house of approximately that period, when Vassily Makarovich's mother - Maria Sergeevna Kuksina lived here.
In this house she has lived for about seven years. It was the gift for the mother from the son. He has bought the house on the fee for the novel "Lubavin's", on the first big money.
When opening the museum there were many questions, museum of a similar sort is the unique one in the territory. Maria Sergeevna helped a lot. It was hard for her to see all that. Four years have passed as her son has gone, and she still couldn't believe that neither with reason, nor with heart. By arriving from Biysk, she went on manor, examined the house, as though forcing herself to get used to it in new quality. She suppressed tears and sighs in her soul. It constantly seemed to her, that the door will open, and her son will enter the house, but the stands and show-windows in the central room - hall and the inscriptions everywhere remind her that there's museum now here. She was distressed, that there was nothing worth to come to see from apart. No riches, all in peasant style. There are enough such houses in villages! She made everything that she could make by hands: weaved, embroidered, knitted, sewed.
It is a pity, that it was possible for Maria Sergeevna to read such a little number of records in the visitors' books: " It is very pleasant, that among such simplicity such Human Greatness has grown! Let so will be always!" Of Novosibirsk. Bedarevs.
Really, the Museum of V.M. Shukshin in Srostky had not unique museum funds on the moment of opening.
And tens thousand admirers of the writer endeavored to visit his native land to touch sources of Shukshin's creativity, his roots, - " to a small native land", love to which Shukshin carried in his heart till the last hour.
"And there's a huge power that I feel there, on my native land, any life-creating force, which it's necessary to touch to find the lost pressure in blood. It's evident that this viability, this resistance of spirit, that was brought there by our ancestors, lives there with the people and until now, and it's not for nothing I believe that native air, native speech, song familiar from childhood, tender word of the mother treat the soul." (V.M.Shukshin).
The formation of a museum collection began since the first days of the museum work (it was the branch of Altay regional museum up to 1990.)
Since 1976 the school museum of Shukshin has worked at school (the director- Yadikina N.A.), in the same year the first Shukshin's readings were held, which acquired power and scope year by year, increasing the geography of addresses of the participants and visitors.
The first exhibits of the museum were: actor's properties to film "Those red berries" (sent from film-studio "Mosfilm", was given by N.A.Yadikina from a school), Shukshin's books and publications and the literature about him, published at his life (were given by D.I.Faleeva), literary scripts of "Stoves and bents ", "There is such fellow", programs of performances, personal things of V.M.Shukshin, given by his mother Maria Sergeevna.
The books, documents, posters and programs of performances were received from different places of the country. V.M.Shukshin's family from Moscow gave the editions of Vassily Makarovich in foreign languages, his personal things, manuscript of the story "Gena - proidisvet ", and other materials.
The study of V.M.Shukshin's family tree, of the village Srostky history has put a beginning to formation of fund on a History of village (now totals more than 2-nd thousand units of storage).
The many-sided creativity of Shukshin - the writer, director, actor, playwright - explains the peculiarity of museum collection, which includes subjects of fine art (228 examples), dedicated to the person and creativity of V.M.Shukshin (works of E.Romanova, G.Zakharova, I.Rudzite, I.Popova, graphics of the following artists - illustrators A.Deriavsky, V.Ramensky, I. Novoderejkin and others).
In the scientific - auxiliary fund the collection of gifts stands out, among them there are books, editions, souvenirs with the memorable autographs of the known writers, actors, figures of art and culture, outstanding public figures.
The exposition is completed with sculptural works by N.Selivanov, N.Zvonkov and V.Klikov.
L.Chudnova, director of the museum.