Museum funds

The house of Shukshin's
birth was situated here

(One-stored wooden house. The place is marked as memorial.)
Vassya Shukshin was born here in 25 of July 1929. Vasily Makarovich has lived short and long life at the same time.

When a child he had difficult (he lost his father early) but rather ordinary life.

He used to run about Srostki village streets, played lapta (Russian game), fished in Katun, read his first books. When the war was began, his father perished and every Vasily's year might be translated to three years. He had a lot of different events in his life - good and bad, losses and joy, luck and failures, glory and misunderstanding, pain and happiness. And there was always a hard work that couldn't be stood by even three hearts. He was a peasant, worker, scaffolder, loader, house-painter, radio operator, teacher, Komsomol organizer. He also succeeded in so many art professions: actor, film director, writer, dramatist.

Shukshin was overfilled with creative plans and ideas, there were too much of them for one life. He seemed to realize it and didn't spare himself being afraid not to have time and he really hadn't.