he exhibition of Russian Art reflects in chronological order almost all steps in its development at the late 17th - early 20th century.
The exhibition begins with the early Russian lay portraits of the 17th century, first-rate works of the outstanding Russian portrait painters of the 18th century - F.S. Rokotov and D.G. Levitsky and historic allegories of the same time.
Fragment of the display of the 17th - 18th century art.
The first half of the 19th century is mainly represented by provincial portraits. Among them the works of A.O. Orlovsky and the unknown pupil of A.G. Venetsianov ("A Boy with a Lute) attract with their mastership and profound image treatment.
Fragment of the display. A toilet table. 1830s.
The second half of the 19th century is represented by all genres and artistic trends. One can see here works of a master of academic painting G.I. Semiradovsky depicting antique subjects;
Gala dining-room. Works of Semiradsky, K.E. Makovsky.
decorative and entertaining canvases by academician K.E. Makovsky ("To be Married in Church"); portraits and genre paintings of Salon artists. Democratic art of the same period is represented by the works of artists of the Traveling Exhibition Society - V.E. Makovsy, N.A. Yaroshenko, I.M. Pryanishnikov.
Hall of genre painting. V.E. Makovsky, I.M. Pryanichnikov.
The Museum is especially proud of the collection of Russian landscapes: marines of I.K. Aivazovsky, A.P. Bogolubov, L.F. Lagorio; landscapes of A.K. Savrasov, I.I. Shishkin, I.I. Levitan. One hall is dedicated to the artistic activities of the "Abramtsevo Circle" at the turn of the 20th century. One can see here fairy-tail images of V.D. Polenov, fine works of Abramtsevo wood-carvers.
Abramtsevo Hall. Vasnetsov. Hero at the Cross-Roads. 1878.
The 20th century art section reflects complicated and diverse artistic world of Russia at that time. It presents paintings of A.E. Arkhipov, K.A. Korovin, K.F. Yuon and V.E. Borisov-Musatov, R.R. Falk and N.S. Goncharova; sculptures of S.T. Konenkov - 18 original early works.
Hall of the Union of Russian Artists. S.T. Konenkov. Sculptures.
Paintings and sculptures are successfully supplemented by pieces of furniture, chandeliers, items of glass and ceramics of corresponding periods. The gala interiors of the mansion make the exhibition complete.
The exhibition of West-European Art presents Flemish, Dutch, Italian, French, German and other 16th - 19th century schools. As a rule, each hall demonstrates a certain national school.
Hall of West-European Painting.
The masterpieces of the collection are "St. Jeronim" by Jan Janssens - the only work of the Flemish follower of Caravaggio in Russia, the mysterious picture of Rembrandt's pupil I. de Janderville "Melancholy", exciting landscape "After the Storm" by an Italian painter I. Ricci, bright canvas "Jevfai's Sacrifice" by Ch. Le Brun - a French court master who took part in the construction of Versaille.
The exhibition includes unique specimens of West-European sculpture, pieces of furniture, articles of glass and ceramics dating back to the 17th - 19th century.
Hall of genre painting. V.E. Makovsky, I.M. Pryanichnikov.
The Museum branch "Trinity Cathedral" is an architectural monument of the 17th - 19th century on the territory of the former Serpukhov Kremlin in the center of the town. It houses the exhibition "Architectural Monuments of the 12th - 20th c. in Serpukhov".
The Museum branch "The Old-Believers Church of Intercession" (early 20th century) presents the exhibition "Old-Believers' Culture of the 17th - 20th c."
1. The 17th - 20th century Russian Art, the 16th - 19th century West European art. For all age groups
2. Thematic excursion "Hello, Museum!". For junior school children.
3. Thematic excursion at the exhibition "In Fashionable and Ancient Halls. Everyday Life and Culture of Pushkin's Time". For all age groups.
4. Thematic excursion at the exhibition "The Orthodox Treasures of Serpukhov Land" for all age groups.
5. Thematic excursion at the Museum branch "The Old Believers' Church of Intercession". For senior school children, students, adults. Booked visits.
6. Excursion in the Museum branch "Trinity Cathedral": "The 12th - 20th century Architecture of Serpukhov". For all age groups.
7. City tour of Serpukhov, Cathedral Mountain, Vysotsky and Vladychny Monasteries. For all age groups.
All excursions are in Russian.