he exhibition "In Fashionable and Ancient Halls. Everyday Life and Culture of Pushkin's Time" is housed in two halls representing reconstructed interiors of a Russian nobleman's house of the first decade of the 19th century - "study" and "guest room". The authentic pieces of furniture, portraits and paintings on the walls, show-cases with embroideries and tableware, old books, including books edited at Pushkin's time help to perceive the atmosphere of that time and to feel oneself a contemporary of the great Russian poet.
The exhibition is dedicated to 200 years since A.S. Pushkin was born.
Fragment of the Exhibition "In Fashionable and Ancient Halls". (Everyday life and culture of Pushkin's time).
"The Orthodox Treasures of the Serpukhov Land" presents specimens of Russian Orthodox culture, which once belonged to the monasteries and churches of Serpukhov: the 16th - 19th century church sculpture, small-size sculpture, church utensils, vestments, remarkable embroideries, old printed books and manuscripts.
Fragment of the Exhibition "Orthodox Treasures of the Moscow Region". In the center is a replica of the icon "The Virgin of the Undrunk Cup".
In connection with the celebration of 625 years of the Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov, the exhibition was considerably supplemented with items from the Monastery sacristy.