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   At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries primitive art changed a lot: it acquired high artistic recognition and therefore we can mark its self-re-evaluation. As a result a new type of the primitive art appeared, called naive art.
   Unlike their predecessors, naive artists obtained the opportunity to exhibit their works at the same exhibitions as the highly-professional artists. The contrast between primitive and "high" art began to obliterate both in terms of the art process and the life of the art works. The genuine artlessness of the primitive art gradually faded away. In his late years Henry Rousseau confessed: "I preserved my naivety...By now I wouldn't be able to change my painting manner, which I've been training for years of a hard work." Apparently the painters like Henry Rousseau or Niko Pirosmanashvili hid rather high self-recognition of their artistic method behind their "naivety".

Medvedeva Ekaterina Ivanovna. b. 1937. Moscow
Happy Day of the Artist. 1981
Oil on canvas. 96 õ 83

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