Guided tour



   What do we see on the paintings of the naive artists of the XX century? Ducks on the lake, field and garden works, laundring, political demonstration, wedding meals... Just an ordinary world around us, sometimes even boring. But if we look at these scenes more precisely we could see not just every-day life but life and death, good and evil, love and anger, work and feast ... Particular episode is treated not as a fixed certain moment but as a narrative story for all times. The artist might not be very good in painting tiny details, nor in detaching general and particular, but - what a miracle! - behind this clumsiness, like 2 centuries ago, we could feel the whole philosophical system, which neglects occasional and temporal. Lack of knowledge turns to prophetic insight: aiming to show a particular a naive artist tells about unchangeable, steady, eternal issues.

Pankov Konstantin Alekseevich. 1910-1942. Western Siberia
Blue Lake. 1937
Paper, watercolour, gouache. 64 ő 89
Tyumen’ Museum

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