Guided tour



   Nevertheless such kind of art was very popular. That's what a painter Ivan Lazarev - a hero of the story "Birthday Cake" by Melnikov-Pechersky, says about it: "I'm drinking deadly. Don't worry, although my hand is trembling, but it is over-practised on the Governor's portraits. It is as experienced, my Lord, that I can in your respected presence paint his portrait with my eyes shut: the full-size - if you wish, waist-high - if you will. Far too many commissions I've got".
   The years passed, the generations changed and nowadays we perceive this art in different way than its contemporaries. Primitive painters sincerely intended to work not worse than the "real" capital artists do. But because of the feeling of self-insufficiency they could hardly afford any improvisations.

Korenev Dmitry Mikhailovich. 1747 - 1810-iås
Portrait of A.P.Mel’gunov. About 1784
Oil on canvas. 213 õ 125
Yaroslavl’ Museum-Reserve

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