The beginning of our century is represented in the Museum by art of K.A. Korovin, Z.E. Serebryakova, L.O. Pasternak. The collection of contemporary painting and drawing has been formed since 1977. It comprises works of the 1920s - 1940s and 1970s - 1990s. The Museum preserves works of R.R. Falk, A.A. Osmerkin, A.V. Shevchenko, A.V. Fonvizin, K.I. Rudakov and their less famous younger contemporaries - graduates of the Higher Art and Technology Studios (HATS) R.N. Barto, L.N. Solovyev, O.A. Sokolova, N.I. Viting. E.P. Levina-Rozengolts was R.R. Falk's student in the HATS. Her art is not investigated yet. R.M. Rabinovich was also R. Falk's student in the HATS. Her works are preserved in the Museum.
The artistic life of the late 1920s - 1940s is represented by works of lyric and romantic artists: L.F. Zhegin, T.B. Alexandrova, V.E. Pestel, V.A. Milashevsky, A.F. Sofronova, M.K. Sokolova, A.A. Pomansky.
Oriental themes constitute a special part of the collection. Dagestan romantic views of R.N. Barto, unembellished drawings of N.A. Lakov, calm and majestic works of O.A. Sokolova reflect the artist's impressions of Northern Caucasus. The works of Alexander Nikolayevich Volkov and his two sons Valery and Alexander occupy a special place in this part of the collection. Central Asian works of A.N. Volkov's student Yu. N. Larin are remarkable for their refined color scheme. E.N. Kravchenko also considers himself a student of A.N. Volkov. The main themes of his art are views of Central Asia.
Fine art of the 1970s - 1990s is represented in the Museum by works of Moscow painters: N. Andronov, D. Zhilinsky, A. Dyukov, I. Evsikov, I. Strazhenetskaya, N. Nesterova, V. Skalkin, V. Ratner, A. Gromov, V. Veisberg, V. Kalinin, A. Slepyshev, V. Pavlov, A. Grositsky, N. Estis, M. Elkonina.
Igor Kupryashin works occupy a special place in the Museum collection. After his premature death in 1977, the Museum took part in preservation of his heritage comprising more than 200 paintings, 300 drawings, poems, notes, letters, articles. The Museum keeps more than 20 paintings and over 100 drawings of Kupryashin and a part of his archive. The Museum collection was supplemented with works of Ely Belyutin, O. Kudryashov, A. Fonin, A. Tal, M. Mitlyansky, N. Konysheva.
Solo and thematic exhibitions display works of contemporary artists. There is also a permanent sale-exhibition of paintings and drawings.
Sale-Exhibition. Exhibition Building.
Contemporary Applied and Decorative Art.
In the 1970s - 1980s the Museum collected applied and decorative art including works of Moscow Region artists and handicrafts. The Museum preserves textiles, jewelry art, porcelain of Verbilky and Dulevo Plants, and individual artist works.
Moscow Region handicrafts are represented by miniature painting of Fedoskino (Ill. Tray, nj 13); porcelain of Gzhel, Bogorodskoye toys, Khotkovo bone and wood carving, printed kerchiefs of Pavlov Posad.
Materials on Moscow Region History were collected when Istra was Moscow Region Local History Museum. Archaeology fund comprises over 100 items. Moscow Region History in the post-revolution period, first five-year plans, Great Patriotic war, reconstruction of the economy after the war and other periods are reflected in documents, photographs, memorial items and objects of everyday life, goods of the plants and factories preserved in the Museum funds.
The Museum has different monuments of material culture: military and collection weapons of Russian and foreign origin, military uniforms of the 19th - 20th century, objects of everyday life, costumes, head-dresses, accessories.