Born in Novosibirsk. Art historian, specialist in Russian portrait painting of the XIX century. Graduated from Historical faculty, Art History department, Moscow State University. From 1974 till 1980 worked at the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" and Central House of Artists. Since 1980 working in the Department of Visual Materials at the State Historical Museum. Occupied in the primitive art since 1980. Author and compiler of the catalogues, albums and articles on the Russian art of the XIX century. Curator of art exhibitions in Russia and abroad including "Folk Genre Portrait form the Collection of SHM" (1984).

Main publications on primitive art

1. Obraz predmetnogo mira v narodnom bytovom portrete kontsa XVIII - serediny XIX veka // Trudy GIM. Vyp. 75: Pamyatniki russkoy narodnoy kul'tury XVII - XIX vekov. M., 1990. - V soavtorstve s N.N.Goncharovoj
2. "Dlya pamyati potomstvu svoemu..." (Narodny bytovoy portret v Rossii): Al'bom / Avt.-sost. N.N.Goncharova, N.A.Perevezentseva i dr. M., 1993
3. Kupechesky portret // Primitiv v Rossii. XVIII - XIX vek: Ikonopis'. Zhivopis'. Grafika: Katalog vystavki. M., 1995
4. Primitiv v zhivopisi. K probleme zhanrovoy ierarhii // Primitiv v izobrazitel'nom iskusstve: Materialy nauchnoy konferencii. 1995 / Gos. Tretyakovskaya galereya. M., 1997

103012, Moscow,
Krasnaya Sq., 1/2
State Historical Museum
Department of Visual Materials
Tel.: (095)-292-1480
Fax: (095)-925-9527