Guided tour



   In mythological space naive artist feels himself free. He doesn't make any difference between the real and imaginary heroes. Does it really matter whether M.Lermontov had been really sitting on the river bank at the junction of the Aragva and Kura while he wrote the poem "Mtsyri"? It doesn't. Important is that this event has taken place just now. It is as true as the tournament of Ilya Muromets and Solovey-the-Robber.
   Remarkable is the image of a poet ("Shota Rustaveli" by Niko Pirosmanashvili, "Pushkin" and "Gogol'" by Katya Medvedeva, "Lermontov" and "Esenin" by Nikolay Komolov) - a typical way of interpretation of the cultural hero in the naive art. Typical compositional scheme for this subject is a sitting figure with a sheet of paper, a pen or a book of poetry in his hands. This became a universal scheme, a formula of the poetic inspiration, while the frock coat, loose cloak with cap, hussar's pelice or a Russian shirt became the true "historic"details, supporting the illusion of the reality of the happening.

Komolov Nikolay Alexandrovich. 1925-1983. Pskov region
M.Y.Lermontov. 1982
Oil on canvas. 96,5 x 138,5
Pskov Museum

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