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   A bride "washes her face with soap, then puts a neat underwear, new and the best with white sleeves, covers the shoulders with the shawl or cotton cloth, and the head - with ribbon and over all - a veil, on her feet she puts the stockings and then the fur slippers. But beforehand, following the folk superstitions, she wraps her body with basten bands, puts a bit of flax, wool and soap under her right arm and three honey-cakes and three pretzels on her breast" (Ì.Zabylin, "Russky narod. Ego obychai, obryady, predaniya, sueveriya i poeziya" - "Russian folk. customs, ceremonies, legends, superstitions and poetry")
   Portrait played significant role in every-day life of a wealthy peasant.

Unknown artist of the late XVIII century
Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding)
Oil on canvas. 64,5 õ 83,5

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