Guided tour



   ...To these should be added several engravings: portrait of Khozrev-Mirza in a sheep-fir hat, portraits of some generals in triangle hats, wry-nosed. Moreover, usually in the doorway of this booth hanged are the bunches of printed lubok pictures - another evidence of the peculiar talent of the Russian people. On one leaf it was Tsarina Miliktrisa Kirbitievna, on the other city of Jerusalem, the houses and churches there were brassily painted with red as well as partly the ground and two Russian praying men wearing mittens.

Unknown artist of the mid-XIX century
Iliya Muromets and Solovey-the Robber
Paper, lithograph. 20,6 õ 27 (27,5 õ 34,5)
Vologda, HAMR «Ipatyev Monastery»

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