Heavy Burden of the Adam’s Sons

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Unknown artist of the mid-XIX century

Vologda Centre.

Heavy Burden of the Adam’s Sons

Paper, ink, tempera. 40,8 õ 33,7

Title: Òÿæêî åñòü èãî íà ñûíåõ àäàìëèõ. On the reverse side the note with the price: îñìèãðèâåíí.

Inv. 42949/ÈIII-61101

Bequeathed in 1905 by À.P.Bakhrushin, Moscow.
The parable treats the same theme as «Seven Deadly Sins» - the theme of struggle of sins and virtues, of good and evil. Depicted is a man, bowed by the burden of the sphere, which he carries on his shoulders. Inside the sphere angels are fighting the devils and the sins are fighting the virtues.
