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Bolotov Pavel Andreevich. 1771-1850

An amateur artist. Son of the encyclopedist Andrey Timofeevich Bolotov, landowner in Tula.

"View of the isles in the medium lower pond with a footbridge in Bogoroditsk garden"

Paper on paper, watercolour, ink, brush, pen. 22,4 х 30,2

Sheet 15 from the album with the views of Bogoroditsk garden.
Author’s inscription, bottom left: срисовывалъ съ натуры Павелъ Болотовъ - right: 1786 - centre: Видъ островковъ на среднемъ нижнемъ прудкb съ мосточками в богородицкомъ садb

INV. 76434/ИVII-1303. Alb. 20

Album with the views of Bogoroditsk garden. 1786
Contains 78 drawings by А.Т. и P.А.Bolotovs, presenting the views of the garden from different points.
Binding of the second half of the XIX century: cardboard. 22 х 31
Purchased in 1934 from A.N.Ladyzhenskaya
From «The Notes» by А.Т.Bolotov it is known, that in 1787 his son together with himself compiled an album with the views of Bogoroditsk garden, which was presented to the Empress Ekatherine II during her visit to Tula. It is likely, that the album from the SHM collection, which contains some draft and unfinished drawings, was a prototype for the future gift copy (location of which is unknown), for which Bolotovs repeated some of the drawings. The copy from the SHM collection was acquired from the Lodyzhensky family - the friends and neighbours of A.T.Bolotov at his estate Dvoryaninovo in Tula province. Bolotov used to give the drawing classes to Ladyzhensky’s sons. It is unknown when and how did this album get to Ladyzhensky family.
The estate Bogoroditsk in Tula province was owned by the Earl A.G.Bobrinsky, the son of Ekatherine II and the Earl G.G.Orlov. The palace was designed by the architect I.E.Starov; the garden design was made by A.T.Bolotov, who used to work there from 1776 till 1796. Bogoroditsk garden is one of the first Russian landscape garden ensembles.
