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World Museums
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Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu
if you have relevant on-line informations about museums.
This page includes an on-line museums collection and other
web servers
pointing at museums in
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virtual visitor of
Romanian Museums
[Romanian Version]
Museums and Collections in Romania - on-line national database - (700 records); searchable by museum main profile or location: county, locality. Last update: July 12th, 2002.
It is included in a large Romanian Cultural Heritage Resource.
(also in English)
Museums are listed in geographical order.
Bucharest City
"Grigore Antipa" Natural History Museum, Bucharest
Romanian Literature Museum, Bucharest (Romanian version)
National Art Museum of Romania, Bucharest.
Romanian and universal art collections, paintings, sculpture, graphics, oriental art.
National Military Museum, Bucharest. (Romanian version)
- Museum of Romanian Peasant, Bucharest
, winner of European Museum of the Year 1996/
- Village Museum, Bucharest - open air museum of traditional architecture.
National History Museum of Romania, Bucharest
- Museum of National Bank of Romania, Bucharest
Arad County Museum
(Romanian version)
Golesti Museum Complex. Open Air Museum,
Golesti, Arges county
(Romanian version)
Baia Mare
Maramures County Museum - Etnographic Department (Romanian version)
Mineralogic Museum Baia Mare
The Ethnographical Museum of Brașov
Princely Manor from Brebu, Prahova County
(Romanian version)
Ciacova Commune
Ethnographic and Folk Art Exposition Ciacova (Romanian version)
National History Museum of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca
The largest collections of archaeology, history and numismatics in Transylvania.
National Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca
Romanian art collection hosted in a baroc palace.
Natural Science Museum - Constantza (Romanian version)
Art Museum - Constantza (Romanian version)
Folk Art Museum - Constantza
(Romanian version)
National History and Archaeology Museum - Constantza (Romanian version)
Romanian Navy Museum - Constanta (Romanian version)
Oltenia Museum - Departments
Craiova Art Museum
The Iron Museum, Hunedoara (Romanian version)
- Moldova National Museum Complex in Iassy
Collections of art, archaeology, history, ethnography, science and technology - four museums in one.
- The "Ștefan Procopiu" Museum of Science and Technology in Iassy (Romanian version)
- The "Poni - Cernătescu" Museum in Iassy (Romanian version)
Romanian Literature Museum, Iassy
Illustrated pages about writers from Iassy, memorial houses in Iassy, Ipotesti and surroundings.
The "Stefan Jäger" Memorial House - Jimbolia (Romanian version)
- The "Nikolaus Lenau" Memorial House - Lenauheim
- The Museum Colection of Orthodox Archpriestship in Lugoj (Romania version)
History, Ethnographic and Plastic Art Museum Lugoj (Romanian version)
Personalities House - Lugoj (Romanian version)
Music House - Lugoj (Romanian version)
Miercurea Ciuc
Miercurea Ciuc Museum
Clock Museum, Ploiesti
Prahova Natural Sciences Museum, Ploiesti
Ramnicu Valcea
History Museum, Râmnicu Vâlcea (Romanian version)
History, art, etnographic and archaeological collections.
Valcea Art Museum (Romanian version)
Valcea Folk Museum
Anton Pann Memorial House (Romanian version)
Nicoale Bălcescu Memorial Museum (Romanian version)
Gh. Magheru Museum Center (Romanian version)
Maldaresti Museum Center (Romanian version)
Maldaresti Ethnographic Collection (Romanian version)
History Museum, Roman (Romanian version)
History and archaeology collections.
ASTRA National Museum Complex, Sibiu
see also Previous Web site
Open Air Museum with the best Romanian collection of wind and water
mills, museum of Transylvanian civilization, "Franz Binder" world
ethnography collection.
Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu
One of the largest art, natural science and archaeological collections in Romania.
Ialomita County Museum, Slobozia
Collections of archaeology and ethnography.
Agriculture Museum, Slobozia
The most original and rich Romanian museum dedicated to agriculture.
Bucovina National Museum (Romanian version)
Targu Mures
- The Museum of History and Archaeology, Targu Mures, Mures County (in Romanian)
- The Banat Museum Timisoara (Romanian version)
- Old Religious Art Collection of Banat Bishopric (Romanian version)
- Village Museum of Banat Region (Romanian version)
- Museum Colection of the Serbian Orthodox Office of Locum Tenens of Timisoara (Romanian version)
- Military Museum Timisoara (Romanian version)
This page is maintained by
CIMEC (Institutul de Memorie Culturală) - București, România
as a part of
Virtual Library
maintained by
Jonathan Bowen.
Last update: July 14th, 2002.