u s e u m s i n A u s t r i a
Official catalogue of ICOM
This catalogue includes a collection of on-line museums and
other websites connected with museums in Austria.
Please inform Georg Friebe
(inatura Dornbirn) if you know of relevant on-line information not included here.
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- Auer-von-Welsbach-Museum Althofen
Dr. Carl Auer von Welsbach - his discoveries and inventions (in German and English)
- Gailtaler Heimatmuseum Schloss Möderndorf bei Hermagor
Folk lore and folk culture in the Carnic region / Carinthia (in German and Italian)
- Heinrich-Harrer-Museum Hüttenberg
European centre for Tibetan culture (in German)
- Bergbaumuseum Klagenfurt
Mining museum, mineralogy, palaeontology (in German)
- Landesmuseum für Kärnten, Klagenfurt
Regional museum for nature, history and culture of the province Carinthia, including two open-air Roman museums and a botanical garden (in German)
- Minimundus, Klagenfurt
Models of famous buildings (open air) (in German and English)
- Robert-Musil-Literatur-Museum, Klagenfurt
Austrian literature (in German)
- Landwirtschaftsmuseum Schloss Ehrental, Klagenfurt
Rural life in Carinthia (in German)
- Museum 1915-18 Kötschach-Mauthen
World War I memorial (in German and Italian)
- Nationalparkzentrum Bios Mallnitz
A 600m2 laboratory to explore the secrets of life
- Stiftsmuseum Millstatt
Monastery, religious art and culture (in German)
- Frühmittelalter Museum Carantana, Molzbichl bei Spittal a/Drau
Carinthia oldest monastic church (in German)
- Benediktinerstift St. Paul im Lavanttal
Religious art and treasures (in German)
- Museum für mittelalterliche Rechtsgeschichte, Seeboden
The museum of medieval legal history: The history of torture (in German)
- Museum für Volkskultur, Spittal a/Drau
One of the four largest ethnographical collections in Austria (In German)
- Museum der Stadt Villach
History, art and culture (in German)
- Puppenmuseum Villach
Artistic, contemporary dolls (in German, English and Italian)
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Lower Austria
- Benediktinerabtei Altenburg
Monastery (in German)
- Archäologischer Park Carnuntum / Archäologisches Museum Carnuntinum
Archaeology, Roman empire - open air park and museum (in German and English)
- Jagdschloss Eckartsau
Baroque hunting castle, a residence of Austrian Emperor Charles 1st of Habsburg, shows historic furnishing and pieces of art (in German and English)
- Wienerwaldmuseum Eichgraben
Nature and history of the area west of Vienna (in German)
- Feld- und Industriebahnmuseum Freiland
Industrial railways from the 19th century to the present (in German)
- Museum der Fotografie - "Sammlung Schwab", Fischamend
The history of photography (in German)
- Benediktinerstift Göttweig
Monastery and museum (in German)
- Nonseum Herrnbaumgarten
A museum for useless inventions (in German, with some pages in English)
- Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg
Austrian contemporary art (in German)
- Stift Klosterneuburg
Religious art, including the famous "Verduner Altar" of 1181 (In German and English)
- Kunsthalle Krems
Exhibition space for contemporary art (in German)
- Weinstadtmuseum Krems
Culture and art (in German and English)
- Karikaturmuseum Krems
A different view at Austria (in German)
- Österreichisches Spielemuseum Leopoldsdorf
Documentation of contemporary games in Austria (in German)
- Schlossmuseum Loosdorf
A small castle museum north of Vienna (in German)
- Weinviertler Museumsdorf Niedersulz
Austria´s only museum village (in German)
- Erstes österreichisches Museumfür Alltagsgeschichte Neupölla
Everyday life and social changes of the rural areas of Lower Austria
- Fahrradmuseum Retz
The history of bicycles since 1820 (in German)
- Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum St. Pölten
Nature, history, culture and art of Lower Austria (in German)
- Renaissanceschloss Schallaburg - Internationales Ausstellungszentrum Niederösterreich
Castle and exhibition centre (in German)
- Eisenbahnmuseum Strasshof
Austria´s railway history (in German)
- Franz-Kroller-Sternwarte, Traiskirchen
The first and oldest public observatory of Lower Austria (in German)
- Stadtmuseum Traiskirchen
The history of the town Traiskirchen (in German)
- Egon Schiele Museum Tulln
An hommage to Austria´s famous artist (In German)
- Stadtmuseum Wiener Neustadt
History and development of Wiener Neustadt (in German)
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Upper Austria
- Römer-Erlebnismuseum Altheim
Life in the Roman Empire (in German)
- Museum der Stadt Bad Ischl
History and culture of the town Bad Ischl and its surroundings (in German)
- KZ-Gedenkstätte und Zeitgeschichtemuseum Ebensee
History of the Nazi concentration camp Ebensee (in German)
- Museum Lauriacum
One of the most important collection of roman archaeology in Austria (in German)
- Stadtmuseum der Stadtgemeinde Gmunden
The history of a former salt trading centre (in German)
- Museum für Mechanische Musik, Volkskunst und Spielzeug Haslach an der Mühl
Music instruments and ethnology (in German)
- Hirschbacher Bauernmöbelmuseum
Furniture from Upper Austria (in German)
- Zoologischer Garten Schmiding und Museum Begegnung der Kulturen, Krenglbach
Zoo and ethnology (in German)
- Sternwarte Kremsmünster
Natural history museum (in German, English and Italian)
- Museum im Hafnerhaus Leopoldschlag
Local and etruscan ceramics (in German)
- Ars Electronica Center Linz
The museum of the future (in German and English)
- Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz
Contemporary art (in German and English)
- Oberösterreiches Landesmuseum Linz - Schlossmuseum
History, culture and art of Upper Austria (in German)
- Oberösterreiches Landesmuseum Linz - Biologiezentrum
The natural history museum of Upper Austria (in German)
- Landesgalerie Oberösterreich am Oberösterreichen Landesmuseum Linz
Contemporary art (in German)
- Nordico - Museum der Stadt Linz
The history of the city, the art of the country and the abysses of archaeology (in German)
- Gedenkstätte Konzentrationslager Mauthausen
Concentration camp memorial (in German and English)
- Freilichtmuseum Stehrerhof, Neukirchen an der Vöckla
A historical farmhouse and harvesting machines (in German)
- Schrift- und Heimatmuseum Bartlhaus, Pettenbach
Calligraphy and ExLibris (in German)
- Wäschepflegemuseum Rainbach im Mühlviertel
Laundry in former times (in German)
- Museum Innviertler Volkskundehaus, Ried im Innkreis
Folklore and religious art (in German)
- Oberösterreiches Freilichtmuseum Sumerauerhof, St. Florian
A typical Upper Austrian farmhouse invites you for a (virtual) trip (in German)
- Museum Geyerhammer Scharnstein
Museum of industry and technology (in German)
- Kriminalmuseum Schloß Scharnstein
Criminality from the late Middle Ages to the Present (In German)
- Museum für Österreichische Zeitgeschichte
Austria during the 20th century (in German)
- Österreichisches Felsbildermuseum Spital am Pyhrn
Rock engravings world-wide (in German)
- Museum Industrielle Arbeitswelt, Steyr
Museum of industry and technology (in German)
- Österreichisches Papiermachermuseum Laakirchen - Steyrermühl
The history of paper (in German)
- Lebensspuren - Museum der Siegel und Stempel, Wels
(in German)
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Kunstraum Innsbruck
A place where we can collect traces of recollections of contemporary art (in German and English)
Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum Innsbruck
Museum for nature, history, culture and art of the province Tyrol (in German)
Galerie im Taxispalais Innsbruck
A non-commercial, public exhibition venue for international, contemporary art (in German and English)
Glockenmuseum Grassmayr Innsbruck
A unique combination of bell foundry, bell museum and a sound room (in German, English, French, Spanish, and Italian)
Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum Innsbruck
Arts and crafts, the applied arts, home industries, popular religiosity, masks and traditional dress (in German, English, and Italian)
Tiroler Kaiserjäger Museum Innsbruck
Tyrol´s History (in German and Italian)
Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe Kramsach
Open air museum for 14 farmhouses from Tyrol (In German)
Schlossmuseum Landeck
Art, culture, history and society of the Landeck district (In German)
Ötztaler Heimat- und Freilichtmuseum Längenfeld
Open air museum (In German)
Augustiner-Museum Rattenberg
Tyrolean art treasures of eight centuries (in German and English)
Haus der Völker Schwaz
Explore the cultures of the world! (In German)
Schau-Silberbergwerk Schwaz
Austria´s oldest mine - now a museum (In German and English)
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- Albertina Wien
The world's largest collection of graphic art (In German)
- Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
European paintings from the 15th to 18th century (in German)
- Architekturzentrum Wien
The presentation site for international developments in architecture (in German and English)
- Arnold Schönberg Center, Privatstiftung Palais Fanto Wien
The Austrian composer Arnold Schönberg (In German and English)
- Geldmuseum der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank
The history and future of money (in German)
- Globenmuseum der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
More than 210 globes and relevant scientific instruments (In English and German)
- Haus der Musik Wien
Music´s fascination with the present past, the future present and past future (in German, English and Japanese)
- Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien
Military Museum (In German)
- Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien
History and culture of Vienna (In German)
- Institut für Graffiti-Forschung Wien
An international umbrella organisation of scientific Graffiti-Research (In German with one contribution in English)
- Internationales Esperanto-Museum, Sammlung für Plansprachen Wien
Esperanto (In German)
- Jüdisches Museum Wien
Jewish culture and history (In German)
- Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Art museum (In German and English)
- Kunsthalle Wien
Presentations of contemporary and classical modern art (In German and English)
- Kunsthaus Wien
A forum for international museums exhibitions, a home for the work of Hundertwasser (In German and English)
- Künstlerhaus Wien
Space for temporary exhibitions
- Leopold Museum Wien
The formerly private art collection of Rudolf and Elisabeth Leopold (In German and English)
- Liechtenstein Museum
Restoration and Presentation of the Princely Collections in Vienna (in German and English)
- Lipizzanermuseum Wien
The history of the Lipizzans (In German, English, Italian, and Japanese)
- MAK - Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst Wien
Art museum (In German and English)
- Medizinhistorische Sammlungen
Medicohistorical Collections (In German and English)
- Museum für mittelalterliche Rechtsgeschichte, Wien
The museum of medieval legal history: The history of torture (In German)
- Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien
Modern art museum (In German and English)
- Museumsquartier Wien
One of the ten largest cultural complexes in the world (In German and English)
- Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Natural history museum (In German and English)
- Orpheon Foundation Wien
Museum of Historical Musical Instruments (In English)
- Österreichisches Filmmuseum Wien
The world of the movies (In German)
- Österreichische Galerie Belvedere Wien
Art museum (In German and English)
- Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien
National library (In German and English)
- Österreichisches TheaterMuseum Wien
"All the world´s a stage ..." (In German)
- Österreichisches Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum Wien
More than just statistics !
- Österreichische Mediathek des Technischen Museums Wien
Archive for audiovisual Media (in German)
- Pathologisches-anatomisches Bundesmuseum in Wien
Pathology and anatomy (In German and English)
- Schloss Schönbrunn Wien
Schönbrunn Palace (In German, English, and Japanese)
- Vereinigung bildender Künstler Wiener Secession
Exhibition Hall for Contemporary Art (in German and English)
- Technisches Museum Wien
The Vienna Museum of Technology (In German and English)
- Künstlerhaus Wien
Art museum (In German)
- Museum für Volkskunde Wien
Ethnographical museum (In German)
- Museum für Völkerkunde Wien
Ethnological museum (In German and English)
- Wiener Kaffeemuseum
World Of Coffee Vienna (In German)
- Wiener Kriminalmuseum
Criminality from the late Middle Ages to the Present (In German)
- Sigmund Freud-Museum Wien
Online service of the Sigmund Freud Society (In German and English)
- Wiener Teddybärenmuseum
Historic Teddy Bears from 1905 to 1960 (in German and English)
- ZOOM Kindermuseum Wien
A museum especially for children (In German)
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