
Katia Golitsyna

The Nature of Lines

Moscow Architectural Art Nouveau



29 August – 24 September 2006

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
12 Volhonka St., Moscow

The theme of Katia Golitsyna’s present project is Moscow Art Nouveau, the mood – undisguised rapture, the tonality – romantic. It is not architecture per se, which attracts the artist, but the line of Art Nouveau itself, fluent, whimsical, refined, free, alluring...

Anna Chudetskaya

One has to have the special and rare skill of a master to see so clearly the disappearing features of the artistic world of Art Nouveau in contemporary Moscow, which is raging with an unrestrained construction boom and to represent them with the elegance of the Silver Age. There is no longer any hope of recreating a picture of this world made from original buildings, they are drowning amongst Soviet boredom and the bad taste of the last years....

Dmitry Shvidkovskiy

Photoreport from the opening of the exhibition.

Organisers: ÃÌÈÈ èì. Ïóøêèíà   pARTner gallery

Sponsors: ÒÃÑ


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Katia Golitsyna