The Central Museum of Railway Transport of Russia is situated in St.Petersburg
University of construction and means of communications. The Museum is housed
in the building, which was specially built for it in 1902.
Nowadays the Museum collections reflect the history of all components of railway transport: locomotives and carriages; communication, automation and means structures. There are unique models of steam engines, carriages, bridges, some of them being displayed at the international exhibitions in the XIX and beginning of the XX century, in particular in construction in Russia and the former USSR and about the formation and development of railway technology.
The Museum's materials are widely used by historians, researchers, fans, film and TV studios.
Education is one of the most important trends in the Museum work. Young
people and students make about 70% of the visitors. They visit the Museum
to make acquaintence with the laws of physics, chemistry and mechanics;
to choose a profession, a place of future studies. The Club of Railway
History and Engineering work under the auspices of the Museum.
Meetings and temporary exhibitions enlarge the number of the Museum's visitors.
Our Museum is the scientific and methodological centre in the work with minor museums of railway transport and enterprises of the Minisry of Railways of Russia, half of them being visited by our museum stuff. The Museum assists them in methodology of exhibition set up, historical materials, we conduct consultations and work on creating the data bank of railway science and engineering monuments preserved on the Russian railway network.
The Museum lacks exhibition areas. Only 3% of the Museum's funds are on
display. In order to enlarge their exhibition and to mark historical
events, the Museum organizes up to 16 temporary exhibitions per year
in schools, colleges, at the railways of Russia
and abroad. The Museum has a branch of "Russian bridgebuilding" and
there is a site with authentic locomotives.
Preserving the historical engineering heritage we show its close connection with the development of railroad techniques in the whole world.
Galina Zakrevskaya
Director of the Central Museum
of Railway Transport of Russia
Post address:
Central Museum of Railway Transport
of Russia, 50, Sadovaya ul.,
tel. 7(812)168-80-05.7(812)315-14-76