t present the Museum receives the materials of P.I. Tchaikovsky's heritage investigators, his descendants (Yu L. Davydov, K.Yu. Davydova, I.Yu. Zhegina, M.E. Rittikh, Z.V. Leviton, etc.).
Regularly being completed such interesting collections as
- music archive (records of Tchaikovsky compositions, from the beginning of our century until now);
- playbills (Tchaikovsky music all over the World from his lifetime until now);
- collections of fine art (painting, engraving, sculpture. Most remarkable is the section of sketches of stage decorations and costumes for Tchaikovsky compositions by the leading theater artists from the late 19th century until now, theater costumes.);
- library (music - Tchaikovsky's lifetime and present publications, Russian and foreign literature about the composer);
- records, photographs, books and documents on Russian music of the second half of the 19th - 20th century);
- copies of the documents from the private collection, archives and museums in Russia and abroad).
P.I. Tchaikovsky State House-Museum in Klin has a branch - "Demyanovo Estate". Well-known since the early 18th century, it was bought by a Moscow social figure, philosopher and social scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Taneyev in 1893. He managed to form a circle of brilliant Russian intellectuals - scientists, artists, poets there.
Tchaikovsky studied with V.I. Taneyev in the law college and his younger brother Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev - a famous composer - was P.I. Tchaikovsky's favourite pupil.
In 1921 the first director of the House-Museum N.T. Zhegina decided to bring the larger part of S.I. Taneyev's archive from Demyanovo to Klin. The manuscripts, part of the library, personal belongings, pieces of furniture formed the basic stock of the new exhibition "S.I. Taneyev. Life and Heritage", opened in the outbuilding in 1990.
Exhibition in the outbuilding dedicated to S.I. Taneyev.
The educational activity of the Museum is not restricted to the excursions, lectures, publications and exhibitions. The House-Museum Concert Hall has been a music center for many decades. There performed the members of the Bloc Theater company, Symphony Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Fedoseyev, Vladimir Minin and Valery Polyansky Choirs, "Moscow Virtuosos" with Vladimir Spivakov, practically all winners of P.I. Tchaikovsky International Competition of different years - Michail Pletnev, Victor Tretyakov, Elena Obraztsova, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Natalya Erasova, Alexander Rudin, etc.
The concerts of Svyatoslav Rikhter, Emil Gilels, Irina Arkhipova, Maria Bieshu were great events in the Museum concert life.
In 1990, when the whole World celebrated P.I. Tchaikovsky's 150th birthday, P.I. Tchaikovsky International Society was organized. its founders are the House-Museum, Association of the Winners of the International Tchaikovsky Competition and Russian Classic Music Research Association.