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Meanwhile Napoleon had been staying in Moscow but was already preparing to leave it, the battle of Taroutino occurred and delivered victorious laurels to Russian arms. Our army was occupying the position along the left bank of Chernishnya river that was streaming to Nara river. Near Vinkovo village on the other side of Chernishnya just opposite us cavalry advance-guard of French army and four infantry divisions in all 25.000 under general command of Murat stood. This position cost a lot for the French. They had called it a "hungry camp" as there was a big lack of the forage and its procuring required so much efforts. And in addition to it the woe happened to them. One of the days General Toll had formulated a plan of attack and reported it to Kutuzov having personally been convinced that it was easy to surprisingly come upon the French. Kutuzov was hasitating but Toll was supported by Bennigsen, Baggovut and Konovnitzin. Everyone was burning with the desire to fight. And the Commander-in-Chief eventually agreed having done all the necessary orders. First the attack had been scheduled on the 5th (17th) of October but as the Kutuzov's order sent from the Headquarters based in Letashovka village was not timely received in our camp the attack was postponed on the 6th (18th) of October. The disposition was prepared by Bennigsen. According to it the Russian troops were to undertake the offensive by three columns: the right one under command of Count Orlov-Denisov, the left under command of Count Osterman and the central under command of Baggovut. To support them the reserve was combined from one cavalry and one infantry corps. Everything was provided and promised unconditional success. At the evening of the 5th (17th) of October our troops left the Taroutino camp with the greatest precautions for not the slightest sound could open the motion to the French. And when they had advanced closer to Murat's positions they stopped for the night in the forest. Early in the morning of the 6th (18th) of October the Cossacks under command of Count Orlov-Denisov had flown upon the enemy with such a swiftness that the French, absolutely unprepared for the attack, were dispersed in number of three regiments having left for us 38 cannons as a trophy. Russian war historian Bogdanovich says "The attack was so swift and unexpected that coffee-pots with hot coffee were found on the camp-fires and cauldrons with horses carrion were near. The Cossacks were seized by horror and indignation when they saw big icons that were used as chairs and tables by those barbarians". At the same time Prince Eugene of Wurtemberg with Tobolskiy regiment and Baggovut with jaegers appeared. But they were not so successive. They had got under the fire of French battery and had a big losses. The courageous Baggovut was killed there, his head was torn off. Misfortune followed us here. The Baggovut's corps been confused by contradictory orders was aimlessly staying in the forest and as result was late to the place of attack as it had been scheduled in disposition. The same happened to the following after corps of Count Stroganov, some regiments of which had lost the way in the darkness. The 4th corps was also late. Thus our advanced detachments, that were energetically attacking the enemy could not gain a considerable success not been timely supported by fresh troops as Murat was stubbornly resisting. As result of this slow advancing the disposition of the battle that could bring to complete victory was fulfilled differently. When all our troops in number of 46 battalions had been concentrated according to original plan, the enemy was already retreating. In spite of it Prince Eugene having in his disposal 6 battalions of Tobolskiy, the 4th and the 20th jaeger regiments, was successfully advancing and later Count Orlov-Denisov and Meller-Zakomelskiy were pursuing the French cavalry of La Tour-Mauburg and Balence with a great zeal. In the evening the battle was over. We had captured 1500 prisoners, 1 standard, 38 cannons and 40 ammunition vans and a lot of vehicles. If the French had got off comparably easy they were obliged for it to Murat, that demonstrated this day an outrageous bravery and management and even was wounded for the first time in his life. Our leading commanders were not much delighted by the result of the battle as they were expecting the complete defeat of the enemy as there were the real possibilities for it. But the moral effect of Taroutino battle, even with such degree of success that we had got, was rather great for all the army and encouraged its spirit that had been depressed to some extend by the retreating after Borodino, leaving Moscow and a long staying in the camp. Emperor Alexander had been informed about our victory by aide-de-camp colonel Mishout, who presented him the captured standard and transmitted the will of army to personally take the command. But Alexander refused having said :" let the laurels be reaped by those that are more deserving them then me. Return to Field-Marshal, congratulate him and tell him to banish the enemy out of Russia". Then the Emperor rewarded Bennigsen with the diamond symbols of St. Andrew order 100.000 rubles and Kutusov by golden sword with diamonds and laurel garland and in addition vouchsafed him with the following rescript "The victory gained by you had made me unspeakably glad. I flatter myself with the hope that it is the beginning that will have the most important consequences. The glory of Russia is undivisible from yourth and the salvation of Europe". The comments are edited by I.N.Bojeyarov. The album "Invasion of Napoleon. Patriotic war of 1812." St.Petersburg, 1911 Prepared for Publication by Poliakov O. Translated by Makarov M. © 1997-1998, Published as part of the project "1812". |