POZZO DI BORGO (CHARLES ANDRE) CARL OSIPOVICH (1764 - 1842) Count He was born in Alata(Corsica) on March 8, 1764 and died in Paris on February 15, 1842. He descended from ancient noble but impoverished Corsican clan. Pozzo di Borgo received juridical education in Pizza. With the active support of Paoli he was elected as the deputy of Legislative Assembly of France. After events of August 10, 1792 Pozzo di Borgo was forced to run to Corsica, where he became a secretary of Paoli and in a counterbalance to the clan of Bonapartes actively promoted the transition of the island under protectorate of England. However, in 1796 the island was seized by the French, and Charles-Andre was forced to abandon it together with «red coats» and went to London.
All his further life Pozzo di Borgo has devoted to struggle with the man, who he considered as his personal enemy Number 1 - Napoleon Bonapart. Having lived some time in London, and then in Vienna, in 1804 after the murder of the duke d'Engien which provoked the rupture of diplomatic relations between France and Russia, Pozzo di Borgo arrived to St.-Petersburg, where he was hospitably welcomed and then he decided to join Russian diplomatic service. After signing Peace of Tilzit in 1807 Alexander I has refused to extradite Pozzo di Borgo to Napoleon but was forced to distance him. Charles-Andre was set off to London, but there he acted after his kind and purpose - has made everything to pull together positions of Russia and England, and later of Sweden.
In 1812 after the commencement of hostilities between France and Russia Pozzo di Borgo officially has returned into the Russian service, and already at the beginning of the next year was called to the emperor Alexander I. Then Pozzo di Borgo received the rank of the general - major and has been envoyed to Luis XVIII as a personal representative of the tzar, and has returned to France together with him as the extraordinary envoy of Russia to France.
During «100 days» Pozzo di Borgo was appointed the representative of Russian emperor at the English-Prussian expedition corp, he participated in the battle under Waterloo, where he was easily wounded. After the Second Restoration he has returned to the duties of the ambassador once again, and remained on this post for 20 years, and then he headed the Russian embassy in London. At the end of 1839 he was officially dismissed from the state service.
Last years of the life Pozzo di Borgo lived in Paris. He was buried on the cemetery Per-Lachez.